RAK3172 - WisDuo Based on STM32WL LoRa SoC
When ST announced that they are offering STM32WL series, everyone on the IoT community is excited. It is the first LoRa SoC IC of its kind and it has lots of cool features that an IoT developer would want to try. At RAKwireless, we immediately decided that STM32WL must be part of our WisDuo product line. We named it RAK3127 and we want RAKstars to have experience on this module.
To have little back story, the journey of rolling out the RAK3127 module is challenging. It is primarily caused by the worldwide supply chain crisis on semiconductor chips. Lead times of various integrated circuits (IC) stretches for a couple of weeks if not months. But worry no more because we are now ready to unveil the RAK3127!
As part of the WisDuo product line, RAK3172 will share the same advantages. It’s form factor is so small you can easily put it in your PCB designs. It still supports LoRaWAN and Lora P2P (Poin to Point) just like the other WisDuo modules.
RAK3172 can be configured via user friendly AT Commands. By the way, we are now using a different set of AT Commands set for RAK3172 and it includes new cool options like RF test. The other new thing about RAK3172 is that it is now capable of Class B mode unlike the other WisDuo modules that only supports Class A and C. For low level developers, we assure you that you can still use STM32WL SDK if you want to develop your own firmware.

Another advantage of RAK3172 is you do not need to worry on RF complexities because it is already handled by us. We offer RAK3172(L) for low frequency bands like CN470 and EU433 and we also have RAK3271(H) for high frequency bands like EU868, AS923 and US925. With regards to antenna section, you still have the option to have an IPEX connector on the board or not. On the hardware perspective, we still offer breakout board and an Arduino compatible board for the RAK3172 so you can work on your early prototypes quickly. The pricing of RAK3172 is also very competitive.
We put lots of hard work to make the RAK3172 a reality from the hardware design, software and its documentation. As always, once you got this module, RAKwireless support is one of the best you’ll have. And surely, if you are a serious IoT developer, RAK3172 is the LoRaWAN module you must have.