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On International Women's Day we #BreakTheBias at RAKwireless

It is hard to believe that until 1911, women didn't have a day on which their importance in society was recognized. And it took a tragic event, such as the Triangle Shirtwaist textile company fire in New York, to mark the commemoration of this day.

On March 25, 1911, six days after the first Women's Day was celebrated, 246 female employees of this company, most immigrants, burned to death when they couldn't leave the building because the doors were locked. From the ashes of this day was born the flame of the search for fairer treatment, equality, equal rights, and the recognition that women had been denied for centuries.

Although the gap between men and women has decreased, there is still a lot of work to do. The future generations need a better place to live, and all the work made by many women on the road needs to be acknowledged. We are working together to increase the presence of women in industry, academia, politics, sports, arts, and other disciplines to achieve equal treatment and to be able to stand out equally.

And this year, the whole world is gathered in a single movement that pursues a common goal: #BreakTheBias. Because we strongly believe that breaking it can build a world where diversity is celebrated, where everyone can access the same opportunities, where talent is valued over gender. Where we can reach real equality for women.

And this is something we can achieve from our schools, homes, communities, or companies, with our daily actions, no matter how big or small they are. That's why this day, we raise our voices to recognize the effort, teamwork, support, and initiatives led by and for women.

From RAKwireless, we want to recognize our colleagues. We are a company in constant global expansion, leading the IoT ecosystem with projects in multiple industries. With women in all areas of our organization who are constantly reaching achievements. We want to build a better future thanks to IoT.

In this day, we want to amplify their voices so they can tell the whole world their views about what it means to be a woman that develop and add value to the tech environment with their hard work and their commitment with the dissemination of the IoT ecosystem.

Feel free to know more about us and our women's spirit.

This is our call to all the women who want to learn and grow in IoT industries. You can do it along with RAKwireless and our community.