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4 Industries Profoundly Changed by Internet of Things Solutions

We are in new and unexpected times. Change and our willingness to evolve project us as a race and visualize us in the future. We preserve our environment and our lives, where we ask ourselves how to survive what surrounds us. All over the world, daily routines have changed. Our daily lives are no longer the same. Every time we have to go out, we must carry new elements of disinfection and protection, keep the distance between people, learn to use new technologies, and plan things differently.

Have you wondered how these circumstances have changed your life? Whether it's receiving groceries from the nearest supermarket or planning a new transportation route across the city to avoid crowded spaces. Companies were keeping an internet network with everyone connected at the same time while working, studying, or living. These and many other things make us feel that time is moving too fast. Nevertheless, the main question is why did the way we used to live change so much?

All these thoughts arise because our needs are being met in new ways that we do not understand or seem sufficient. Whatever the reason that worries and distresses us.

It is a forced change as a society, where all industries and individuals have had to change something about themselves. They have had to force themselves to migrate their daily lives to a digital world, virtualizing the work, rethinking the work and life of people, and the production processes, what is sold, how it’s being delivered, or even what is no longer bought.

It is the time when we must use this forced change for ourselves, learn from what we can do, improve, and apply. In the case of industries, the time to evaluate what can be improved to provide better living conditions as a society. Industries of all kinds depend on the individual they consume, then on the group, then on the community, and finally on society as a whole herd that consumes their product or service. Their optimization is directly related to the use and application of technology to become more productive and reach better supply and demand levels.

It’s a new digital revolution, completely accelerated, and this is where we see the multiple possibilities where the Internet of Things (IoT) can fit and empower the entire process.

This new ecosystem of connected devices allows us to connect devices to improve processes in different industries. However, it is essential not to forget that we must never look for a solution to solve it without having the problem - often, use cases are created senselessly, which is not the case. Every problem arises from a specific need, and solving them improves processes and saves valuable resources of all kinds for different verticals.


Agriculture in IoT

One of the most common industries in the LoRaWAN ecosystem is agriculture. The aim of continuing sustainable production for all human beings is a tremendous challenge. Several things are essential to include in this point are:

  • The connection of the crops, the continuous monitoring of them, and knowing the status of multiple variables can help prevent extensive damages in crops.
  • The management and control of irrigation to preserve the land and control its state to optimize the crop’s growth and its future use.

Industrial sector

Iot in Industrial sector

Multiple industries manufacture, manage essential resources, extract and process fossil and renewable fuels. In these industries, measurement is vital to avoid waste of the product or service. There is a couple of examples:

  • Monitoring and control of light consumption in urban areas. Also, within manufacturing plants.
  • Pressure measurement in live oil and gas extraction


IoT in Health Care

This vertical is one of the industries with the most demand today. The need for medical and human resources to continue taking care of people’s lives has unquestionably grown. We can apply it to the following situations:

  • Panic buttons for medical staff to attack critical situations, movement of life-saving items in minutes.
  • Monitoring and control of medical resources to supply these same in time to avoid their absence.


IoT in Logistics

In the pandemic, the deliveries have increased considerably, the logistics to send the requested objects to the door of the client’s house is broad and involves many parts.

  • Sense and feed the inventory of any product worldwide
  • Track vehicles carrying large quantities between critical points.

These are just a few use cases for each industry. Though, there are countless applications in all the areas that may exist. The application of these solutions helps us to achieve the objectives more quickly and optimally. Implementing these solutions can be done quickly with a wide range of connectivity, sensor, and actuator technologies. For LoRa/LoRaWAN applications, RAKwireless has an extensive range of industrial and developer level gateways and ready to use end nodes for tracking, environmental, and control applications, or even better, fully modular development boards that allow the development of custom applications – allowing you to go to production in just a couple of weeks!

Did you know! How IoT Entrepreneurs Use Existing Tools to Build Smart-Technology Empires

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the way to obtain all the information required to be evaluated and work based on the data for a better future for everyone as a society.