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3 Reasons Why Developers Choose RAK for their IoT Projects

With the abundance of tech at our disposal, more developers can create their projects easier and faster through the help of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions providers and related tech. Unfortunately, for large IoT projects, short lead times are a challenge.

This makes it imperative for developers to know where to source materials for their projects. Acquiring quality sensors, modules, and the like will help ensure that deployment time will commence as scheduled.

There is an overwhelming number of companies out there offering IoT products and services, and one of the leading companies in the field is RAKwireless. With its growing community, RAK has significantly expanded its reach in the past few years in 40 countries across Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, and South America.

There are many reasons for RAK’s continuous success but here are just three factors that make RAK the perfect partner when developing high-quality IoT projects:

  1. RAK’s commitment to making IoT easy
  2. With the company’s goal of “IoT Made Easy” RAK has developed IoT solutions that are two steps ahead, meaning it already accounts for any issues or concerns that a developer may have in creating their projects. RAK has produced several lines of products and solutions that cater to different markets and have anticipated features that a certain demographic may need to make the process of creating IoT projects less complicated.

    WisBlock Take for example WisBlock, one of RAK’s newest product lines–– the modular and comprehensive system is designed so that developers can prototype quickly and easily. Because of its modular setup, developers can insert different sensors or modules needed for their project. WisBlock’s main goal is to hasten the process of development and help make the work of creating the application or project easier so that the bulk of the time can be spent in prototyping and deployment. This is just one of the many illustrations of RAK realizing its goal of “IoT Made Easy”.

    Download our eBook: WisBlock: A Revolutionary Concept for Agile Hardware Development

  3. RAK’s amazing partnership and customer service
  4. Another strength of RAK is its commitment to serving its customers to the best of their abilities. In relation to the first point, to make IoT easy, customer service, advice, and help should be given as easily as possible. The RAK team composed of several well-trained customer support representatives and technical experts are always there to give a helping hand to those who need help with any of RAK’s products or services.

    Partners are also treated with utmost importance and can benefit from the flexibility of RAK. Discounts and customizations abound for RAK’s partners to show the company’s appreciation and belief in the quality of RAK’s products. RAK can customize IoT hardware, software, and can even custom brand enclosures for the partner company. All this amazing service is rooted in RAK’s belief that the growth of its partners and customers is the growth of the company as well.

    More info on RAK partnership programs here.

    RAK partnership programs

  5. The supportive and thriving RAK community
  6. Through the years, RAK has built a solid community of users, developers, engineers, and fans of IoT that are ready to help and support one another. The RAK community continues to grow yet the support for each member of the community is still present. Because of the various skills and expertise the RAK community has, it makes it easy for people who are building their IoT projects to ask questions and get inspiration from the projects that other community members have built. Through these interactions, connections are built within the network that strengthens the bond between the RAK community members.
    RAK community members

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IoT companies are a dime a dozen now but those that can provide exceptional service and make the process of developing your IoT projects easier are few and far between. RAKwireless shows how much committing to its philosophy, care for customers and partners, and fostering a community mindset can go a long way in helping give people a great experience while building their IoT projects.

Head on over now to our RAKstore to browse items for your next IoT project!